Contextual Behavior Science

Our team exclusively practices behavior analysis as a contextual behavior science. All of our clinicians are members of the Association of Contextual Behavior Science, where we can connect with other scientists and practitioners in special interest groups that are pertinent to our area of expertise. We believe the science of behavior analysis will continue to evolve and that it is our responsibility as practitioners to stay up to date on the latest research and evidence-based practices. We continually evaluate our methods to provide the best care for the people we serve. You can find more information about our approach on the website for Contextual Behavior Science.

Functional Analysis

Functional Analysis is an important part of what we do. It allows us to assess the problem by looking at the form and context of a behavior. After we gather this information, we analyze how this behavior serves the person. Does it give them access to attention, a preferred item or activity, physical sensation, etc; or does it allow them to avoid negative thoughts or experiences? When we can identify the function of a behavior, we can design an effective intervention.